she started with the Trinity (they gave her another copy of the Trinity brochure yesterday)
The Trinity Brochure was the reason I wanted to get reinstated! I thought they really had something there! It exaplained more about how the Trinity came about with pictures of all the false trinity gods and compared them with the true Almighty God Jehovah. I thought okay right on for the WTBTS! I am going to get reinstated because they had the truth. took me several years to try to understand everyones view point regarding Jehovah, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I noticed that most churches are not writing about false gods, but Jehovah, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit!
I questioned? Does churches believe in Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit as a Trinity god head like the false gods of the past? The answer was NO! They were writing and sharing scriptures about Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The brochure lumps false godhead and takes people through steps to show them how the Catholic church believe in false godhead and worships a false god. How can that be when they are referring to the bible; Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit and not false gods!
Later when I was a reinstated Jehovah's Witness, I became concerned with why they referred to Jesus as a god! rather than a God? I do not care if it should be the God or a God! In my view point there is two in John 1. The Bible stated that Jesus would be called Mighty God not a mighty god! In Hebrews he is God who was made higher than the angels.
Higher than the angels!
I guess Jesus can be a bright and shiny Star,Angel, and a Mighty God! but a god denotes false gods so why would they want Jesus as a god!
Also if you get a real slick JW they will say," Most people who do not believe that Jesus is Michael the Archangel believe he is Jehovah"
While your wife is doing all the Trinity research, perhaps you can talk with her about Michael the Archangel.
In Daniel there are more than one Archangel, and when Jesus comes back he will have a voice of an archangel not be an archangel.
In the Jewish encylopedia Michael meaning; "One who is like God" was taken from two different scripture and they skipped every other word! You need to look this up an an older Jewish encylopedia with many volumes it is like 20 volumes. Look up Michael and Archangel.
The WTBTS borrowed the meaning of Michael from the Catholic enclyopedia and they quoted this in their books. The Catholic church borrowed the meaning from the Jewish encylopedia. Anyhow, the stupid writers of the WTBTS just said that is what Michael means without going into much details as to how the Catholic came up with the meaning! but in their older books they quote the Catholic books. Kind of funny for people who are so concerned about false gods that they did not even bother to look it up in Jewish enclyopedia explaining how they skipped every other word to gain the meaning. That meaning is not from God from any scripture in the Bible.
Another thing! I thought that true Christians were not to have the names of false gods on their lips only the true God! I believe that is bibical! so why would they write about false godheads!